To showcase Windsor Dermatology’s medical dermatology expertise, CMA reached out to local healthcare television producers for a segment on winter skin conditions. What started out as a pitch on this topic, turned into an opportunity for a segment on the Psoriasis Diet with Medstar TV.
CMA worked closely with Windsor Dermatology to secure a long term psoriasis patient from the practice’s Psoriasis Treatment Center for the segment. This patient had been receiving ongoing light treatment from the practice and had incorporated some of the psoriasis diet food suggestions into his diet and saw improvement. Windsor Dermatology’s Dr. Jerry Bagel was positioned as the expert for the segment, covering information related to foods that could help patients, foods that might be trouble and why some are better than others to have in your diet. CMA developed a segment schedule for the producer as well as sample questions which were also utilized during a prep session with both the patient and Dr. Bagel.
The segment was filmed at the practice and included interviews with the patient and Dr. Bagel, doctor-patient interaction and a brief skin exam. CMA provided on-site assistance and even supplied and staged fruits and vegetables to obtain shots of the patient eating foods he incorporated into his Psoriasis Diet. Overall, the segment provided Windsor Dermatology with local and national visibility as well as showcased its medical dermatology capabilities and ongoing commitment to patient care.
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